Useful Information
Time Difference
Time in Bangladesh is 6 hours earlier than Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+6). If you want to know the time in Dhaka now, please click here.
Business Hours
- Government office: 09:00 - 16:00 on weekdays, Closed on weekends
- Banks: 10:00 - 17:00 on weekdays, Closed on weekends (Friday & Saturday)
- Department Stores: 10:30 - 20:00, Everyday
- Convenience Stores: 24hours open, Everyday
Currency & Exchange
- Bangladeshi Taka (BDT) is the official local currency.
- Foreign currencies can be exchanged at the airport, banks and hotels.
- Exchange Rate: 1USD =110 BDT (The exchange rate is subject to change)
- For the latest exchange rate information, please click here.
Credit Card
Most international credit cards such as Visa, Master Card and American Express are accepted at the majority of hotels, department stores and almost all retail outlets. Other credit cards may or may not be accepted at some hotels, shops and restaurants. Check with your credit card company for details of other available services.
There is no requirement for tipping in the Bangladesh; however, should you wish to reward exceptional service, it would be welcomed.

The electricity supply commonly used in Bangladesh is the 220-Volt, 50Hz system.
Emergency Phone Numbers
- 999: Police, Fire Service, & Ambulance Services
- 16263: Medical Emergency, Emergencies for Covid-19
- Emergency calls are available on 24/7, every day.
October in Dhaka, Bangladesh is a tropical autumn month, with an average temperature usually between 23.8°C to 31.6°C.
For the latest weather information, please check Bangladesh Meteorological Department website or please visit Dhaka, Bangladesh - Weather Forecast
Useful Websites